Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2009 Gables Estates Block Party Announcement

The 2009 Gables Estates Block Party is set to swing into full action on Sunday February 8th. The theme of this year’s party is “Mardi Gras on the Green” and the event will be held at the Leucadendra cul-de-sac between 2pm and 5pm. Come join your neighbors and their invited guests for food, rides, and fun!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

President's Message from the Gables Estates Board of Governors

President’s Page

On behalf of the Board of Governors and myself Happy New Year to you and your family. I trust you had a pleasant and safe holiday season.

As most of you are aware, the $6,000. yearly maintenance fees for Gables Estates Club have not been increased in the last six years. However, your Board will be addressing a difficult decision of whether or not to raise the dues if the projected sales (only3) for this fiscal year do not take place. So far, we have had one sale and feel confident that two other sales will take place this fiscal year. The Club traditionally has relied on application fees to off set our fiscal budget and without that income the Club will experience a deficit, raise the yearly maintenance fees or be forced to dip into the Club’s reserve fund.

The Board has designed a “Presidential Award” which will be awarded, from time to time, to a special member or non member of Gables Estates Club. This award will be given to those who have contributed to the well being and betterment of our Club beyond the normal call of duty. Many members over the years have given a great deal of their time and this is a nice way to honor and acknowledge those members. This award will be given based on a set of rules which must be carefully considered by the Board prior to selecting and nominating a recipient. A ceremony will be hosted by Gables Estates for the presentation of this award

Our 21th Annual Block Party is scheduled for:

Sunday, February 8th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

This year’s theme is an “Mardi Gras in The Green.” I hope you can attend this Club function, meet some new neighbors and have an enjoyable afternoon. Once again, we owe our gratitude to Mrs. Audrey Ross, Chairperson of the Block Party Committee.

Phase III of the Beautification Committees’ Capital Improvement Ground Light Project for additional bridge lights and trafficcalming island lights is currently being assessed and designed to meet within the Club’s budget and maximize the best use of the lighting improvement. The Beautification Committee will continue to install portacarpus hedges around the clipping piles, as our budget permits, in the order of the highest visible impact to the community.

The Board has received a commitment from the Director of Public Works, Mr. Alberto Delgado, that two roads within Gables Estates will be re-paved each year over the next three years, thus completing all the road re-paving by the end of 2011. Your Board is also working with the Public Service Director, Mr. Dan Keys, to change the pick up day of the clipping piles from Monday to Friday. This will greatly enhance the appearance of our community.

It is imperative that each member of Gables Estates take an active role by encouraging the City to uphold their pledges to our community. You can do this by voting in the upcoming election this April. Please make sure you and your voting age family members are registered to vote. Please vote by absentee ballot if you are not planning on voting in person. Your Board will be inviting all candidates running for City Commission to present their position regarding issues affecting Gables Estates at a regular Board meeting to be announced shortly. Please submit any questions you would like asked. A brief summary of their answers will be sent to you.

The Board will soon be appointing a Compliance & Enforcement Committee of Five to oversee the implementation and compliance of the rules and regulations for maintenance standards for Gables Estates Club. This Committee will review proper standards for homes, landscaping, construction, proper use of trash and clipping piles and realtor activities as they relate to securing and maintaining property within Gables Estates. If you are not a member of the Board and wish to serve of this important Committee, please contact Kathleen.

Thanks go out to our Commodore, Daniel Canal, for creating The Gables Estates Yacht Club’s 1st Annual Boat Parade of Lights. This activity was received with great enthusiasm. The “Best Dressed” award was given to Mr. and Mrs. Patricia Cruz and all participants were given a participant award. We hope to see this Yacht Club event take place every year. We encourage members to participate next year so submit your suggestions and comments now.

Lastly, just a reminder, our Semi-Annual meeting will be held on:

Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at Fairchild Gardens.

Please mark this date on your calendar.

Rene Guerra, President